No description or information given by the developer whether or not on this website and whether written or verbal ("information") about the property or its condition or its value may be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. The information contained on this website is for general guidance only and the developer retains the right to change the details from time to time if necessary.
These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract, nor shall they merge in any offer or contract which may hereafter be made between the sellers or lessors and the recipient of the information.
The photographs show only certain parts of the property at the time they were taken. Any areas, measurements or distances given are approximate only.
Any reference to alterations to, or use of any part of the property is not a statement that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. These matters must be verified by any intending buyer or lessee.
Any buyer or lessee must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of any information given.
The particulars on this website should not be relied upon as accurately describing any of the specific matters described by any order under the Property Misdescription Act 1991.
Privacy Policy
This policy covers how Thornsett Group treats personal information that Thornsett Group collects and receives. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable like your name, address, email address, or phone number, and that is not otherwise publicly available.
Information Collection & Use
Thornsett Group collects personal information when you request one of our services or you send us an enquiry. Generally this happens by filling in our forms. When you register we ask for information such as your name, email address and occupation. Once you request one of our services, you are not anonymous to us. Thornsett Group uses information for the following general purposes: to customize the content you see, improve our services, contact you, etc.
Information Sharing & Disclosure
Thornsett Group does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or companies, except when we have your permission.
Confidentiality & Security
Thornsett Group limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs. Thornsett Group uses physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with U.K. regulations to protect personal information about you.